PDP1= Pyruvat-Dehydrogenase-Phosphatase-
Deficiency (exercise intolerance and post-exercised collapse)
EIC= Exercise Induced Collapse (muscle weakness, lack of coordination
and life-threatening collapse after intense exercise)
PRA=Die progressive Retinaatrophie (cells deteriorate over time,
eventually leading to blindness)
These diseases are
inherited in an autosomal recessive manner, i.e. dogs only
can get sick if both...... the maternal and paternal
PDP1 / EIC / PRA gene have this genetic mutation.
It means, these diseases can be easily excluded by selecting the right pairing..
There are 3 results
of a test, e.g.:
Genotyp N/N = frei /clear/normal
Genotyp N/E = Träger / carrier (Genträger - dog
itself will never get sick with this disease)
Genotpy E/E = erkrankt/affected
When breeding, it is therefore important to ensure that either
clear x clear, clear x carrier (or clear x affected) is mated.
This ensures that no puppy can get sick with these diseases..
It is therefore very important for the breeder to know the genotypes,
through laboratory tests or derived from inheritance. Therefore, the laboratory test results are registered with the
breeding clubs and passed on with an entry in the pedigree or - as shown below - when registering with a certificate,
so the status is also known for "export dogs"..
would like to inform you about the health test results of the
ancestors of the puppy of your choice? ... ..and you should,
the ancestors are from abroad, you possibly may find it in the
databases of the Kennelclubs.
you need is the full name of the dog, kennel name or studbook
number. And with just a few clicks, you can also get access
to the results of the health tests of its parents, siblings
and their offspring. Very helpful to get an idea about the health
status in the line, about diseases that are more common .....
about a possible family disposition for certain diseases and
of course also IF? and WHICH? Tests were ever made. Because
not in all breeding clubs all breed specific health tests are
also obligatory .... resp. there are exceptions to this duty.
you can find the databases: