Our view of dog ownership,
breeding and rearing, as well as the demands we have on the future
families of our puppies, are not "crazy ideas" ....
but is based on several decades of experience and observation
and has meanwhile been confirmed in most points by Cynologists,
behavioral biologists and/or physicians.
Living and training with our dogs, raising the puppies and growing
them up in the family has taught us a lot. The desire for our
dogs and their offspring to create the best possible basis for
a long, active, happy and healthy life has awakened our interest
- in addition to genetics, nutrition, biomechanics and kinesiology
- in behavioral biology, especially cognition.
you have not an open mind on new, if you don't incorporate your
own experiences and knowledge from others,
and does not question this again and again, then you can do everything
wrong for 20 years!(U. A.)<<
Below the most frequently asked questions
to us & the answers:
Why don't we hand over puppies at 8 weeks? Answer....
The development
of puppies is very individual, as is the “cutting the
cord” of the mother from the puppies. In the meantime,
various studies have shown that staying in the family unit for
a longer period of time has a very positive effect on the puppy's
mental strength...the ability to cope with stress.
Behavioral biologists consider social play and learning with
the littermates in their familiar surroundings to be particularly
important in the 3rd and 4th month. An actual bond with a person
(breeders can be seen here in a different category) is only
really possible from the 14th week of life (also the beginning
of the phase of stranger anxiety ).
Not only the renowned behavioral biologists PD Dr. Udo Ganslosser
and Dr. Adam Miklosi are sources here, but also the American
dog researcher Marc Bekoff, whose investigations, which took
place as early as the 1980s, showed that the intensity and extent
of social play with littermates and "babysitters"
(adult dogs in a pack who help take care of the puppies) in
the period of the 3rd and 4th month of life has a direct positive
effect on their later sociability tendencies.
The imprinting or socialization phase pretextualed by breeders
for the early handing over of the puppy can only be cited to
a limited extent, since this phase lasts until the 15th/16th
week (which is repeated at the age of approx. 6-9 months), so
there is still enough time. In addition, socialization together
with the mother and/or siblings is also possible by the breeder,
and is even more relaxed for the individual puppy - however,
most breeders simply reject this effort and forget that this
additional time is particularly important with regard to breeding
- in which one can observe the development, assess the abilities
and characters better - can be extremely valuable for a breeder.
Another aspect that speaks in favor
of a later hand over is that from about the 8th or 9th week
the puppy develops a local bond. In unfamiliar areas, they initially
react with uncertainty or fear. This removal of a puppy from
the place of its birth, which takes place too early, can sometimes
traumatize the animal so much in this phase of life that it
remains insecure for the rest of its life. The sudden separation
of a puppy from the breeder family too early has a greater impact
on its development than the separation from littermates or the
All this speaks in favor of a handing over age from the 12th to 14th week, as well as the fact that immunity against certain diseases is only guaranteed with the 2nd vaccination (12th week).
Sources of information / list of books (unfortunately
the most of them in German) can be found at the end of
the page!
Why we do consider free running / "off leash" to be
so important?.
Why "leash compulsion"
is harmful? Answer....
apart from the fact that free running / off leash strengthens
bonds and team spirit,
- because
when I act as a team with the dog, trust on both sides
is part of it |
and only if I put my trust in the dog and If I let
him off the leash, I'll get his trust too
leash has a harmful effect on joints and muscles.
because. . . . . . Movement
is not like movement
In biomechanics and kinematics, the adaptation types speed
and strength adaptation are known (“stride” for step length
and “strength” for strength adaptation).
The mobility of the large joints differs depending on the
breed-related functional requirements, which has a clear impact
on the structure and course of muscles, ligaments and the
entire musculoskeletal system. If you swing your legs back
and forth in one direction, such as greyhounds, you only need
the muscles in this direction, and the holding apparatus can
be different. If you want to rotate your joints in many directions
and exert powerful pressure, like our Clumber, for example,
you need strong postural muscles and strong connective tissue.
Movement is the elixir of life for the joints!
A joint – or more precisely – the cartilage depends on the
uninterrupted supply of important nutrients from the synovial
fluid. The avascular cartilage can only absorb the valuable
nutrients through regular physical activity. With each step,
the cartilage is "massaged" and lightly compressed. This pumping
mechanism transports fresh nutrients into the cartilage. If
the pressure load decreases, the fluid flows back into the
joint space and in this way also takes degradation products
from the cartilage with it.
However, with straight-line, uniform movement, more than large
parts of the joint surfaces are not involved - i.e. the cartilage
is not supplied with important nutrients and degradation products
are left behind. As a result, unused joint cartilage degenerates,
can become inflamed, die off and are often the cause of joint
changes such as arthritis or arthrosis.
Only through irregular movements, sudden braking and turning
manoeuvres, jumping, stop-and-go operation (for example when
running free, free movement play or when playing with conspecifics)
the entire joint surface is used e. g. in the hip or in the
shoulder joint.. Dogs that have large and open joint surfaces
are particularly dependent on movements in all spatial directions
and suffer even more if they are only on a leash.... only
be moved at a walk and/or a trot. An increase in speed
alone - e.g. by dog walking with the bike - does not change
anything, since the joint surface required for this does not
All of these are
reasons why, in addition to sufficient " running off
leash", we make the movement of the girls as varied as
possible through swimming, training with agility elements,
etc. "Our 4+ decades with dogs....and also again Velvet
- now in her 12th year - who is still leading the way with
lots of fun hurdling, swimming etc.... hardly diminished,
have us confirmed in it.
freedom you can nowhere develop into something beautiful.«
Although dropped in a different context, I find this sentence
by TH. Fontane also is figuratively very appropriately to
our dogs and this topic in two ways. On the one hand, because
healthy muscles result in better posture and charisma...just
like a self-confident, well-balanced dog.
Sources of information
/ list of books (unfortunately the most of
them in German) can be found at the end of the page!
- III.
Why we already practice free running / off leash with the puppies?
explained more detailed in the point above, free running is
an important topic for us - in terms of bonding/team building
and, above all, health. Therefore it is just logical to integrate
it into everyday dog life as early as possible.
A puppy is (even) much easier to control on excursions, and
the imitative behavior can also be used on walks with the
mother or other pack members (babysitters). The puppy quickly
memorizes a recall with hand signal or a double whistle.
Just because we have had the
experience that many dog owners are too hesitant when it comes
to letting the dog off the leash, we want to teach the puppy
a few basics in a playful way before moving out and thus give
the new family a certain security - if necessary.
According to behavioral biologists,
e.g. Dr. Adam Miklosi, biologically speaking, puppies have
a tendency to imitate or learn through observation. It's about
gaining information from the parent animal through imitation,
trying out similar behavior, going to the same places, etc.
It is completely normal and can be assumed that the puppies
practice this constantly with each other and in contact with
the mother.
>>We have experienced
this ourselves several times, e.g. For example, in the "lay
down" exercise using a hand signal, the puppy initially
imitates the hand signal - i.e. waves its paw - instead of
laying down. If you let the puppy do this exercise together
with an adult dog, it usually works very quickly because he
imitates it from the big one.<<
With the usual way of rearing and training, we unlearn the
puppy the imitating, says Miklosi. When the puppies move into
a new family, they will use this strategy as well. In normal
households, it is usually undesirable for puppies to do the
same things as humans, such as taking food from the table.
In some situations, of course, imitation is good, like playing
together, but many behaviors are simply forbidden. This signals
to the puppy or adult dog that imitation is not wanted. He
will no longer automatically imitate but will be trained to
do only what is allowed, which can be a problem. The imitation
training (such as practiced by Claudia Fugazza) is a good
thing here. In principle, it is a reminder of the "good
old days" and thus a link to the natural, biologically
given abilities of the dog.
Dr.Ádám Miklósi
… … is the head of what is now the world's largest
research group on the subject of dogs. As the best-known behavioral
researcher in cynology, he leads research work in the fields
of social learning, experimental behavior analysis, behavioral
genetics and neuroethology and the genetic basis of behavioral
deviations at the Chair of Ethology at the Eötvös
Lorand University in Budapest/Hungary.
Sources of information / list
of books (unfortunately the most of them in
German) can be found at the end of the page!
Why we prefer dogs from working lines? Trainability
- heritability
....or: Why dogs from working lines aren't harder to handle?
- au contraire! Answer....
a small foreword: I (as well as the studies cited)
use the terms working line & show line. I know
that some people do not like to hear the term "show
line" for their dogs, but this is not an evaluation,
but merely a subdivision of the lines according to
the "use" and/or the primary breeding goal.I
reject using the term "standard" instead
of "show" line (suggested to me), because
this would incorrectly imply that dogs from "working
lines" wouldn't correspond the standard).
In our
almost half century of living and working with dogs - initially
from both lines - we tended more and more towards the working
lines over the years due to our experiences - not only because
of the health aspect. Since we consider the training with...
or the use of the dogs in a way that is appropriate to the
natural abilities of the breed, is very important - for a
well-balanced, happy dog - we got the impression that training
of "working dogs" is much easier. This impression
has been reinforced by our litters.
Generation "Velvet" |
working line, father: working line/show line) was
already relatively easy to train |
Generation |
(father: also active working line) here
we noticed that despite the differences in character
and varying distribution of natural abilities, training
became even easier. |
3rd Generation |
(both parents out of working lines and are
regularly trained) this has - as far as can
be foreseen - increased again....respectively the
handling / trainability simplified. |
This has once again confirmed us the "heritability of
learned skills", which has meanwhile been proven by studies.
It is also important here that
these inherited skills must continue to be fostered by a stimulating
environment in order to use this "learning advantage"
There are numerous studies on the topics of "heritability
of trainability" and the influence of environmental factors
on trainability, behavior and development of puppies. Some
of them you can find e.g. in the book "Behavioral Biology
for Dog Trainers" by Dr. Udo Ganslosser.
As with Dr. Marie Nitzschner (behavioural biologist) is to
be read, various studies have shown that trainability is the
property with the highest heritability.
Behaviors that e.g.:
- the willingness
to cooperate with humans |
how quickly a dog can learn in new situations |
how high he can concentrate on a task
are include within the behavioral complex described
under “trainability.”
There are also overlaps with impulse control.
In general, the picture emerges that
the most trainable breeds were either representatives of the
Herding- or Sporting group. The results of Hsu and Serpell
could also be confirmed in another study.
Hart and Hart (1985), Ley et al (2009), and Turcsán
et al (2011) also found that herding and sporting dog breeds
score higher on trainability.
The authors explained their results against the background
of the original breeding aims of these breeds. The dogs of
these breeds were selected for cooperative tasks with constant
visual contact with their human partner, so skills such as
the attention focus on humans, responsiveness to communicative
signals and instructions, as well as a quick learning ability
were favored here in breeding.
not only the breed itself, but also the breeding line plays
a significant part here.
As expected, the working lines showed
a significantly higher trainability than the show lines.
Based on our experience we just can underline that and it
contradicts the often heard misrepresentation that a working
dog is more difficult to handle.
Dogs with high trainability have a high retrieval motivation
and focus on a task.
It's also been shown that dogs with a higher trainability
have a longer life expectancy.
By the way: Individual genes that influence the trainability
of a dog are also related to intelligence and the speed of
information processing in humans. (Kate C. MacLean et al.
Sources of information / list
of books (unfortunately the most of them in
German) can be found at the end of the page!
Why are playing and playful training
so important?
...or What is play and what is training? Answer....
is an activity that cannot be taken seriously enough.«
Because: Playing is not only fun, but also strengthens the
bond, has a stress-reducing effect, is health-promoting in
many ways, serves to learn social rules and conventions as
well as the correct application of signals and behavioral
There are basically three different types of playing:
the social play
> the
solitarily play
> the
prey catching play
But what exactly is "Play"?
Characteristics of play behavior:
• Stress-free, relaxed environment as a prerequisite
Animals only play when there are no predators, social tensions,
or other stresses in their environment. The activity of the
stress hormones in the brain normally noticeably and verifiably
dampens the desire to play, and also learning through play
therefore does not work in a straining and stressful environment.
A relaxed environment is not only important for the dog, we
should have a clear mind too. Otherwise, it makes more sense
not to get involved in the game at all, but to wait for more
relaxed times that are better suited to learning through play.
• frequent repetition of the concerning behavior
• the lack of the respective final action as the goal
of the behavior
Retrieving, regardless of whether it is a dummy or
a ball, is therefore not part of the play.
• free combination of elements from different circles
of behavior
Dogs at play combine in random order elements of:
- fightng behaviour: like mouth wrestling and tussling,
- prey catching behaviour, i.e. sneaking up, jumping up and
- sexual behaviour and social grooming, by nibbling and licking,
in any order with each other.
• frequent role changes
"The hunter becomes the hunted" or the one standing
above in the scuffle lets himself fall and suddenly lies below,
alternating sneaking up and jumping at in the game of prey
catching. Real play is always balanced between both parties.
• lloose, relaxed, excessiv and exaggerated movements,
e.g. with dangling legs.
• the so-called play-face
Anyone who has ever seen a dog "laugh" all over
their face while playing can understand that.
C-Litter at 8 weeks |
(Video) |
why and what for?
Many researchers have long been concerned with play behavior
and its advantages. The most important of these are the following:
• When playing with the dog to which we have
a bond the so-called bonding hormone oxytocin is released
on both sides - in humans and dogs.
In addition, oxytocin - as an opponent of stress hormones
- also acts as a stress brake and is health-promoting due
to its stress-reducing effect.
By the way: Studies have shown that the increase in the hormone
in both partners was particularly strong when humans and dogs
looked into each other's eyes for a long time while playing
and cuddling.
• The
play is used for physical training and condition.
Muscles, nervous system, blood flow, etc. are trained in a
sporty way. Interesting: the chronological rhythm in which
the playful movements are repeated corresponds almost exactly
to what is required in a well-planned program in terms of
sports medicine:
o Exercise repetition in rapid succession for several seconds/or
a few minutes, then the program changes and after about 20
to 30 minutes you return to the original form of movement.
It's this rhythm that trains muscles, nerves, blood vessels
and other physiological structures particularly well and keeps
them fit.
o Movements and situations - be it in fight or prey catching
or take over or loss rank positions - which are rarely required
can be trained in the play
& Sparkler
(Video) |
• The
play conduces to learn social rules and conventions, as well
as to train fairness and the correct use of signals and behavioral
Action and reaction to signals sent or received can be tested
without serious consequences.
Dogs that have had little or no unrestrained play contact
with peers of the same age between the ages of 4 and 10 months
(e.g. due to incorrect dog training suggestions) often become
conspicuous. Although these dogs may have socialized with
adult dogs during this time, they often later exhibit misguided
prey-catching behavior (attack or hurt conspecifics), which
in turn is often interpreted as aggressiveness in ignorance
of the situation.. Dogs that have learned in puppies and young
dog play groups that one should not torment fellow dogs too
severely with prey-catching behavior usually do not have this
• Play
behavior in puppies and adolescents has a number of important
functions in stabilizing and preparing the brain for its future
Several parts of the brain are strengthened by playing. Areas
which deal with:
o spatial orientation
o movement coordination
o fine-motor sequence of movements
at 6 weeks |
(Video/Slide) |
• Cell
divisions are stimulated, the cerebral cortex becomes thicker,
the number and connection density of nerve fibers increase.
As a result, problems arise when dogs are not allowed to romp
around in the puppy and early young dog period and are not
allowed to move playfully. Impaired gross motor skills, with
serious balance problems.
The messenger substance dopamine leads to a double effect
of play behavior. Dopamine is known as a self-reward and learning
drug, is formed in the midbrain and is released when you feel
o It stabilizes the development of several parts of the brain,
including the cortex, preparing the dog for better mental
and social functioning later in life.
o Not only does dopamine have a self-rewarding effect, but
it also increases the anticipation of certain situations.
If dopamine was produced, e.g. during playing, the animal
remembers that the play was fun last time, and looks forward
to having the same pleasurable experiences and sensations
again. Play situations are therefore also situations be sought
by young animals.
The play of adult dogs conduces not only to deepen and strengthen
the pair bond but also to keep the social group together.
Even the high-ranking members of the pack can afford to behave
just as silly and exuberantly as adolescents.
processes that take place with the help of the self-reward
messenger substance dopamine,
increase e.g. the willingness to do the same thing more often
in the future.
Learning processes that were coupled with many stress hormones
take away (at least with most living beings) the desire to
(Dr. U. Ganslosser „Verhaltensbiologie für Hundehalter“)
Sources of information / list
of books (unfortunately the most of them in
German) can be found at the end of the page!
Why do we want active families for our puppies?
.....and why one should continue to train with "seniors"?
First of all, when we talk about "activities with the
dog" and "training", we don't mean high-performance
dog sport. An extreme in this direction would probably be
just as detrimental to the dog's health as a lack of exercise.

The girlies '21 (Video) |
There are so many ways
to incorporate a few small training units / varied
exercise into everyday life - in addition to the
daily walks. It doesn't matter whether it's water
work or just a few hurdles in the garden - as a
change in dummy training.. Our girlies love it.....especially
Velvet, even with more than 11 years of age.
As already described in detail in points II.,
IV. and V., exercise and training have a very positive effect
on mental and physical health. Muscles and joints are just
as dependent on "stimulation" as the brain. In addition,
it has been proven - as already explained under point 4 -
that inherited skills must continue to be promoted by a stimulating
environment in order to use a "learning advantage"
the way: Exercise and mental work, a species-appropriate activity
that is fun for the dog (and the owner), can - just like positive
reinforcement.... - increase the level of the "happiness
hormone" serotonin in the body, which is responsible
for serenity, contentment and stability for the dog.
Environmental conditions and dog keeping have a significant
influence on learning and curiosity behavior, on movement
and exploratory activity, learning ability and problem-solving
behavior. A study on Alzheimer's/dementia in mice also shows
how important the environmental situation is.It was shown
that with sufficient environmental stimuli, even with a genetic
predisposition to these diseases, protection against or delaying
the disease can be achieved. This protection is said to last
for a few generations. Activities and physical and mental
training have a very positive effect on the physical and mental
health of dogs - just like in humans.
A long, healthy, happy and balanced life - that's what we
want for our little ones!
Breeding and rearing are a building block, but another important
factor are the environment or living conditions.
Sources of information / list
of books (unfortunately the most of them in
German) can be found at the end of the page!
Why are we very critical of castration?
...or What health consequences can this have? Answer....
A topic that is very important to us and that has occupied
us for several decades. Fortunately, more and more experts
such as behavioral biologists, veterinarians, etc. are dedicating
themselves to this topic and are thereby shedding light on
the connections and the influences on the psyche and physique.
Here we only scratches the surface, but perhaps – at least
we hope so – will arouse interest in taking a closer look
and finding out more... to question the meaning and possible
consequences of this procedure, as well as the advantages
and disadvantages, before subjecting your dog to such a drastic
information material / a list of books can be found at the
end of the page!
Explanation of terms: castration means ectomy of the sexual
organs, this applies equally to males and females. Males
get their testicles removed and females normally the ovaries,
more rarely a hysterectomy.
legal basis in Germany can be found in §6 of the
Animal Welfare Act: |
(1) The complete or partial amputation of body parts
or the complete or partial removal or destruction
of organs or tissues of a vertebrate is prohibited. |
prohibition does not apply, if the procedure in
individual cases |
a) is indicated by a veterinarian |
or |
b) in hunting dogs, if it is essential for the intended
use of the animal ………. (it's a point about docking)
= Heilanzeige
(heilen = das Beheben einer
bestehenden Krankheit durch entsprechende ärztliche,
medikamentöse o. ä. Behandlung)
Sterilization involves severing the vas
deferens in males and the fallopian tube in females. This
prevents reproduction. Sterilization is permitted provided
there are no veterinary concerns to the contrary. Regulated
in §6 (5) and in any case preferable to castration.
Before I list the reasons given for castration - only
very few of which are covered by German law - and
the expected or lack of success, first the physical and
psychological consequences of such a serious intervention
in the hormonal balance:
Consequences of castration.....the effects for the body
Musculoskeletal system
such as muscles, skeletal robustness, joints
For dogs that depend on strong muscles and strong connective
tissue, it is fatal if they partially lose this supporting
and postural muscles due to stress and/or castration. The
so-called male hormone testosterone is also responsible
for the elasticity of the connective tissue, for its durability
and for the development of the muscles in the large joints
of the body. Neutered males have much less postural muscles
and looser fibrous tissue. This, in turn, is particularly
harmful to breeds that are dependent on strong and resilient
muscles and connective tissue apparatus, such as e.g.. also
our Clumber Spaniel.. According to studies, the risk of
hip dysplasia increases significantly, and the increase
is particularly strong in dogs that have been neutered at
an early age. An increased risk of cruciate ligament tears
has also been statistically proven. In addition, there is
damage to the musculoskeletal system as a result of the
obesity problem caused by the altered metabolism in castrated
In neutered dogs/bitches, the basic metabolism
is greatly reduced. In addition the appetite-suppressing
effect of the sex hormones has been switched off. Appetite
increases at the same time as energy requirements decrease.
Secondary diseases of obesity can be:
Joint disorders (arthrosis or osteoarthritis) |
Diabetes mellitus |
Constipation |
Skin conditions (Dermatitis) |
Cardiovascular diseases |
Breathing problems |
Reduced immune defense and thus the risk of infections
and other diseases |
Calcium oxalate - urolith |
Predisposition to lethargy, lack of motivation and
energy |
Increased tumor risk |
Fatty degeneration of the liver |
Increased risk of anesthesia and surgery. Disturbing
fatty tissue can complicate surgical interventions,
wound healing disorders occur more frequently |
Malnutrition, by simply reducing the amount of feed
(macronutrients) without considering the need for
micronutrients |
of the bitch
Weakness of the sphincter of the urethra due to the
lack of hormones after castration. In some breeds, up to
60% suffer from it after castration. Hormone treatments
can have an aggression-increasing effect on some bitches.
Incontinence can also be promoted by being overweight.
Tumor formation
The predisposition to prostate tumors increases in castrated
male dogs. The risk of anal tumors increases in neutered
bitches, but decreases in male dogs. The development of
splenic-, bone- and cardiac tumors increases.
was also diagnosed more frequently in neutered dogs.
That the fur condition
changes after castration, on the other hand, is an almost
negligible fact.
Consequences on the brain,
psyche and behavior
Estrogens regulate neuronal activity and have a neuroprotective
It also has vasodilating and antioxidant effects and helps
maintain myelin architecture - the membrane that protects
our nerves.
The result is senile dementia and other
behavioral changes in neutered older dogs
due to the loss of estrogen's protective function. Sex hormones
prevent damaged nerve tracts and changes in the conduction
speed in the brain in old age.
The increase in the cortisol level, due to the loss of the
sex hormones and thus their cortisol-dampening effect, led
to behavioral changes such as fear, stress
and aggression being observed.
Inconfidentes and stress stomach,
intestines and immune system.
fatal - early castration
see also VII.
And now to the
most frequently cited reasons for castration:
Owner or keeping reasons
This includes, for example, mixed packs, the "annoying"
bleeding during heat, etc.
"If you can't deal with your dog's sexuality,
you shouldn't keep one!"
(Kurt Kotrschal, Behavioural biologist)
Inhibition of reproduction
In this case, the smaller intervention, i.e. sterilization,
would be preferable, which would be covered by the Animal
Welfare Act and does not represent such a caesura in the
dog's life. For an attentive, careful dog owner, unwanted
mating should not be an issue either.
Preventative health care
There are only a few diseases that may make castration unavoidable,
such as pyometra (Uterus suppuration), Tumor of the mamma
in the bitch or testicular tumor in the male.
However, castration as a precautionary measure is neither
a reason provided for by the Animal Welfare Act nor makes
sense in view of the negative effects of castration..
Obesity, a diet high in fat and protein during growth increase
the likelihood of developing tumors of the mamma, as does
treatment with estrus-suppressing hormones, which is also
a risk factor for pyometra. A moderate diet and observation
of the bitch for the first signs of metritis, as well as
regular check-ups at the vet are probably more suitable
as a preventive measure.
Hunting instinct and prey
Again and again one hears that castration not only makes
the dog calmer but also reduces the motivation to hunt.However,
experience and studies on other, closely related mammals
contradict this and show that the dog often showed much
stronger hunting behavior after the loss of sex hormones.
Systematic studies in house cats have also shown that sex
hormones tend to reduce prey-catching behavior and that
eliminating them - i.e. castration - increases prey-catching
Castration as an anti-hunting therapy is therefore absolutely
unsuitable. Training / excercises, a species-appropriate
activity are probably the means of first choice here.
Behavioral problems (such
as hypersexuality, aggression)
Hypersexual male dogs are actually very rare and in most
cases the behavior is perfectly normal and often has nothing
to do with sexuality....sometimes habits that have already
manifested themselves in the puppy.
It is similar with aggression, since most forms are not
controlled by sex hormones and it's not uncommon for the
aggressive behavior to increase due to the lack of sex hormones
or the imbalance - the disturbed hormone balance. In this
cases it is advisable to gather information and consult
with experts.
In case of doubt, a "hormone chip" (a chemical
castration) can be used to test whether the dog's behavior
would change at all as a result of castration, before deciding
on the final step, the surgical castration. Chemical castration
can be reversed - a surgical castration cannot.
Castration in unilateral cryptorchidism?
- No!
Even with unilateral undescended testicles, complete castration
is not necessary and makes little sense. The surgical removal
of only the testicle in the abdomen or groin is completely
sufficient. Here, the laparoscopic removal of the inner
testicle offers an alternative to the large abdominal incision
that is associated with less pain for the dog. In addition,
the vas deferens of the remaining testicle lying in the
scrotum can be severed to prevent reproduction. By preservation
the normally developed testicle, the hormonal balance remains
in balance and there are no consequences of a castration.
Especially in connection with cryptorchidism one often reads
about increased cases of HD, which is not surprising, because
the most cryptorchid males undergo castration at a very
young age and are thus exposed to the consequences for the
musculoskeletal system....connective tissue, muscles and
Pseudopregnancy or false motherhood
From a hormonal point of view, all female
representatives of the canids are pseudopregnant after each
The reason for this is the corpus luteum, which develops
on the ovaries after ovulation and produces the hormone
progesterone, regardless of whether fertilization has taken
place or not. This hormone creates conditions that the embryo
needs for implantation and growth in the uterus. The degradation
of the corpus luteum (luteolysis) can take up to 9-12 weeks..
The now falling progesterone
level triggers the release of the hormone prolactin, which,
among others, boosts milk production.
Due to the associated altered metabolic activities, the
bitch appears more clingy and more interested in positive
social contact. False motherhood occurs about two months
after heat (oestrus). This phase is controlled in particular
by prolactin, the parent hormone.
Bitches are often
castrated due to existing or even possible false pregnancy
or false motherhood, as both are often misinterpreted as
"morbid disorders" and the bitch would have to
suffer as a result.
a biological point of view, however, these two phases are
not disorders, diseases, etc., but are of course part of
the sexual cycle and do not normally cause the bitch any
of information / list of books (unfortunately
the most of them in German) can be found at the end
of the page!
Eminently fatal - early castration!
.....and what happens in the body & brain
during puberty / adolescence? Antwort....
in progress!
Jede Kastration vor dem Ende der Pubertät gilt als Frühkastration.
Bei Hündinnen kann man davon ausgehen, dass die Pubertät ungefähr
bis nach der 3. Läufigkeit andauert, die Entwicklung bei Rüden
verläuft in der Regel etwas langsamer. Meiner Erfahrung nach,
würde ich von einem Alter von ca. 3Jahren +/- bei unseren
Clumber Spaniels ausgehen, bis man von "erwachsen"
sprechen kann.
Die Hormone sind nicht nur für die Ausbildung
des Sexualverhaltens und der Geschlechtsorgane wichtig, sondern
beeinflussen auch das Wachstum von Muskeln, Sehnen,
Bändern und Knochen, zudem ist das Gehirn
in dieser Zeit eine regelrechte Baustelle.
Der Körper bereitet sich dadurch auf das endgültige Erwachsenenalter
vor. Eine Kastration in dieser Phase stellt einen nicht zu
unterschätzenden Eingriff in das endokrine System, .....in
die körperliche und geistige Entwicklung des Hundes dar, wichtige
Prozesse in der Entwicklung finden nicht statt oder werden
Auswirkungen auf den Körper
Infolge der Anschaltung der Pubertätsgene und dem folgenden
Anstieg der Sexualhormone wird die Schilddrüse aktiv. Schilddrüsenhormon
(Thyroxin) und Wachstumshormon (Substanzen,
die das Wachstum beim Tier anregen. Bei Säugetieren übernimmt
das Protein-Hormon Somatotropin (STH) diese Funktion. Es besteht
aus 191 Aminosäuren und ist artspezifisch.) werden verstärkt
produziert, welche Einfluss auf den gesamten Körper und die
Funktion vieler Organe haben. Z. B. beenden sie das Längenwachstum
der Röhrenknochen durch das Schließen der Wachstumsfuge.
Eine Verstärkung der Bänder und Sehnen und
der verstärkte Muskelaufbau sind an der Änderung
der Drehmomente und -Verhältnisse beteiligt.
Kastrierte Hunde werden größer als ihre
intakten Geschwister. Eine Folge, einer verzögerten Schließung
der Wachstumsfuge des Knochens. Bei einigen Hunden kommt es
in dessen Folge zu einer irregulären Körperform, mit unvorhersehbaren
Folgen für die Biomechanik der einzelnen Gelenke.
Bei frühkastrierten
Hunden zeigte sich in manchen Rassen ein doppelt so
hohes Risiko von Hüftdysplasie. Ein leichter erhöhtes
Risiko konnte auch noch bei einer Kastration bis zum Alter
von drei Jahren nachgewiesen werden.
Hinzu kommen, die zahlreichen bereits in Punkt VII.
genannten möglichen Folgen einer Kastration, deren Risiken
sich durch die frühe Kastration besonders beim Bewegungapparat
oftmals erhöhen.
Der schlenkernde Gang in der Pubertät, hervorgerufen durch
unterschiedlich schnelle Wachstumsprozesse, welche ein Ungleichgewicht
in den den Teilen des Bewegungsapparates entstehen
lassen, kann sich wenn die Pubertät nicht abgeschlossen werden
kann, nicht mehr einspielen. Ebenso hat dieser Abbruch des
Entwicklungsprozesses oft auch Auswirkungen auf das Herz-Kreislauf-System.
Die Größe des Herzens passt nicht nur nicht zur Größe
des Hundes, es ist auch zu schwach.
Der "Umbau" im
Gehirn betrifft
besonders zwei Bereiche:
- den präfrontalen Kortex, er ist für das
Denken, Lernen und Verarbeiten zuständig, ist Sitz der motorischen
Planung und Steuerung, von Teilen des Arbeitsgedächtnisses,
und der Kontrolle / Entwicklung der Persönlichkeit
- die Amygdala, die an der emotionalen
Kontrolle und der Formung emotionaler Gedächtnisinhalte
sowie der Speicherung von Gedächtnisinhalten beteiligt ist.
Daher leiden Hunde in der Pubertät / Adoleszenz häufig unter
Stimmungsschwankungen, lernen tendenziell schlechter, reagieren
empfindlicher und intensiver auf Reize aus der Umwelt. Reaktionen
fallen meist emotionaler aus und sie tendieren schneller zu
Angst- und Aggressionsverhalten. Auch Risikoabschätzung und
Impulskontrolle sind davon betroffen.
Beim Menschen braucht die Entwicklung (Myelinisierung) des
präfrontalem Kortex, die Entwicklung der Persönlichkeit bis
zu 30 Jahren und ist selbst dann noch nicht ganz abgeschlossen//
Zudem ist während
der Pubertät das "Stresshormon" Cortisol
erhöht, was eine höhere Stressanfälligkeit der Tiere in dieser
Zeit zur Folge hat.
Da auch der "Selbstbelohnungsbotenstoff"
im Körper steigt, haben die Hunde ein gesteigertes Neugierverhalten....sind
schwerer von Situationen abzuhalten sind, die ihre Aufmerksamkeit
erregt haben.
Erlerntes scheint
in dieser Phase wieder „vergessen“, der Hund reagiert anders
als gewohnt in (un-)bekannten Situationen und auf Reize.
ist die Pubertät für eine gesunde körperliche und geistige
Entwicklung unserer Hunde wichtig und notwendig. Es
findet ein Optimierungsprozess des Gehirns statt.
Nach und nach werden nicht gebrauchte Verbindungen zwischen
den Nervenzellen, die Synapsen - von denen in den ersten Monaten
sehr viele ausgebildet wurden - nun teilweise wieder aufgelöst.
Nur solche, die tatsächlich immer wieder verwendet werden,
bleiben erhalten. Gleichzeitig werden die Nervenfasern größer
und darüber hinaus mit einer neuen Isolationsschicht ummantelt,
der Informationsfluss zwischen den Nervenzellen wird nun schneller.
Dieser Ausbau führt zu einer Zunahme der sogenannten weißen
Substanz d. h. Myelin macht die weiße Substanz weiß. Es bildet
die Fettschicht der Axone (schlauchartiger Nervenzellfortsatz
über den Signale weitergeleitet werden) der Nervenzellen,
die die Informationsübertragung durch das Gehirn beschleunigt.
Dieser Prozess kann während der gesamten Lebensspanne auftreten,
ist aber in der frühen Entwicklung des Gehirns vorherrschend.
Die Geschwindigkeit der Hirn- und damit
der Denkprozesse - die Rechenleistung des Gehirns - wächst
dadurch um ein Vielfaches. Die Pubertierenden entwickeln die
Fähigkeit, genauso "schnell" zu denken wie ein Erwachsener.
Beginn der Pubertät gilt diese Optimierung nur zuerst einmal
für Hirnteile, die für die Motorik, für die Wahrnehmung und
die Orientierung gebraucht werden. Aufgrund der Reihenfolge,
in der sich die verschiedenen Hirneegionen verändern, unterliegt
das Verhalten der Pubertierenden zunächst noch besonders stark
dem Einfluss des sogenannten limbischen Systems.
Das limbische System vermittelt zwischen
motiviertem Verhalten, emotionalen Zuständen und Gedächtnisprozessen.
Des Weiteren regelt es Körpertemperatur, Blutdruck, Blutzuckerspiegel
und andere Aspekte des Körperhaushalts. Das limbische System
besteht aus drei Strukturen: Hippocampus, Amygdala und Hypothalamus.
Auch die Riechzellen sind direkt mit
dem Riechhirn und dem limbischen System (Verarbeitung von
Emotionen, Ausschüttung von Endorphinen) verbunden. Dadurch
sind Hunde in der Lage (menschliche) Emotionen zu riechen,
dies geschieht durch die Ausschüttung diverser Pheromone beim
Menschen und Artgenossen.
Der Hypothalamus ist
eine der kleinsten Strukturen des Gehirns und spielt doch
bei vielen unserer wichtigsten alltäglichen Handlungen eine
entscheidende Rolle. Er ist aus verschiedenen Kernen, kleinen
Neuronenbündeln, zusammengesetzt, die physiologische Prozesse
des auf Motivation beruhenden Verhaltens regulieren (darunter
Fressen, Trinken, Regelung der Temperatur und Sexualität).
Der Hypothalamus erhält das Gleichgewicht der Körperfunktionen,
die Homöostase.
anstrengend ein pubertierender Junghund ist, ist doch auch
er ein "Opfer" der masssiven Umbauarbeiten, die
gerade in seinem Gehirn stattfinden.
Kastration sollte in dieser Phase unbedingt vermieden werden,
außer es gibt medizinische Gründe hierfür!
Informationsquellen / Bücherliste finden sie am Seitenende!
Why puppy raising
never should happen imprudent? Answer....
in progress!
Die ersten Wochen / Monate sind viel zu wichtig, um
sie ungenutzt zu lassen. Denn Einfluss auf die Kooperationsbereitschaft
mit dem Menschen, haben in besonderem Maße auch die
frühen Erfahrungen ....die Aufzucht. Schlecht sozialisierte
Hunde mit wenig Trainingserfahrung erzielen in der Kategorie
Kooperationsbereitschaft mit dem Menschen nur niedrige Werte.
Wenn man von den Welpen örtlich getrennt ist, oder gar berufstätig
während eines Wurfes, steht es außer Frage, dass einem kleinere
Entwicklungsschritte einzelner Welpen völlig verborgen bleiben….bzw.
die Verbindung zu den Welpen nicht so intensiv ist.
Zum anderen kann man nur mit ausreichend Zeit den Ansprüchen
von Mutterhündin & Welpen…oder ggf. anderen im Haushalt lebenden
Hunden gerecht werden. Uns ist sehr wichtig, dass die Mutterhündin
relativ zügig – sobald sie das möchte - wieder an den Spaziergängen
teilnimmt, denn wir konnten die Erfahrung machen, dass es
ihr ausgesprochen gut gefällt ….und sich physisch und psychisch
sehr positiv auswirkt. Ebenso merkt man relativ schnell, dass
auch die Welpen es genießen, wenn man für sie ein anregendes,
animierendes Umfeld schafft und spielerisch ein paar Übungen
einbaut. Natürlich immer angepasst an den Entwicklungsstand
der Welpen.
Video "Playful
learning"....Phoenix & Sparkler
First time with
the dummy at 9 weeks.
Clowance, Phoebus & Juno
13 weeks |
Retrieving (almost) like the big ones |
Ein ausreichend stimulierendes Umfeld hat nicht nur Einfluss
auf Neugier-; Lern- und Spielverhalten, sondern auch auf Bewegungs–
und Erkundungsaktivität, sowie Lernfähigkeit und Problemlöseverhalten.
Welpen, die unerschrocken
von selbst Neues erkunden und durch eine gute Motorik
auch dazu in der Lage sind.
Sicher,... Welpen, die man fördert sind für den Züchter „anstrengender“
oder „fordernder“, …also bei „Züchtern“, für die reine Vervielfältigung
und eine schnelle Abgabe Priorität haben, nicht erwünscht.
Wenn man jedoch aus Liebe zur Rasse züchtet – nicht nur Äußerlichkeiten
schätzt, sondern besonders die rasseeigenen Anlagen & Fähigkeiten
– ist dieser Mehrwert an Erfahrungen und die vielen freudigen
Momente über Lernfortschritte / Trainingserfolge bei den Welpen
unbezahlbar! Ganz abgesehen von dem Spaß beim Lernen, den
man den Zwergen im Gesicht ablesen kann und dem stolzen Blick
nach einer gelungenen Übung...
Informationsquellen / Bücherliste finden sie am Seitenende!
Why shouldn't dogs be denied species-appropriate employment,
regardless of whether they are "show" or working
lines? ...or Why do stories about the "exertive dog of
working lines" belong in the realm of fairy tales?
in progress!
short, because regardless of which line they, they were once
bred for a specific use – in case of the Clumber as a flushing
dog and retriever. In our opinion, species-appropriate dog
keeping also includes species-appropriate training. Brain
stimulation and adequate exercise are important for everyone.
Und was liegt dabei näher, als einen mehr –oder weniger vorhandenen
Grundstock an Fähigkeiten zu nutzen, zu erhalten und zu erweitern.
Zumal diese Art der Beschäftigung / Training auch auf den
rassespezifischen Körperbau und seine Bedürfnisse abgestimmt
So, wie es beim Menschen Wohlstandserkrankungen gibt….findet
man auch Leiden beim Hund, die auf mangelnde oder -wie in
Punkt II ausführlich beschrieben - falsche Bewegung zurückzuführen
sind. Daneben, können auch genetisch veranlagte Erkrankungen
des Bewegungsapparates u. U. später oder verdeckt in Erscheinung
treten, was gerade im Hinblick auf einen Zuchteinsatz ein
großes Problem darstellen kann. Ebenso verhält es sich mit
der Psyche und der Trainierbarkeit bei mangelnder Stimulation
des Gehirns. Bezüglich der Zucht sollte eigentlich ja auch
immer die körperliche & geistige Leistungsfähigkeit ein Auswahlkriterium
sein. So wie bei ererbten Fähigkeiten, die weiterhin gefordert
und gefördert werden müssen um erhalten zu bleiben, wurde
auch durch Studien belegt, dass ohne diesen Heritabilitätsvorsprung
sich trotzdem durch ausreichend Stimulation / Förderung sich
ein beachtlicher Grundstock an Fähigkeiten antrainieren lässt.
Bezüglich des „anstrengenden“ Arbeitshundes: Im Punkt IV,
wurde ja schon ausführlich das Thema Trainierbarkeit behandelt
und das Gerücht vom angeblich schwer zu handlebaren „working
dog“ widerlegt.
Nun zu einem weiteren Gerücht:
….der Arbeitshund, der nicht abschalten kann und „ständig“
bewegt werden muss.
Genau wie der Mensch passt sich auch der Hund seinem Umfeld
an. Ein Clumber aus Arbeitslinie ist nicht weniger entspannt,
als der aus einer Showlinie. Und völlig egal aus welcher Linie:
durch dauerhafte mentale und/oder physische Unterforderung
und/oder Überfütterung wird ein Hund träge…., teilnahmslos
oder entwickelt gar „Ticks“ oder Verhaltensstereotypen.
Ebenso erzielt ein aktives Training von Körper und Geist die
gegensätzliche, positive Wirkung.
Eigentlich sollte die Frage
bei Interessenten an / Besitzern von Clumber Spaniels nicht
lauten, ob manche dieser Jagdhunde zu viel Bewegung / Beschäftigung
brauchen, sondern eher ob einige davon zu wenig bekommen –
das würde wohl eher der Realität entsprechen!
Es gibt zu dem Themen "Heratibilität" &
„Einfluss von Umweltbedingungen“ auch einige interessante
Studien bei Säugetieren, z. B. besonders ausführlich untersucht
wurden Angehörige verschiedener Mäusestämme.
Hier nur in einer kurzen Zusammenfassung:
Standardversuchsansatz: Jeweils 3 Gruppen von Mäusen aus 2
Stämmen, die sich in der Lernfähigkeit unterschieden. Der
Einfachheit halber als: „intelligente“ & „dumme“ Mäuse bezeichnet.
Gruppe 1…. wuchs im Standardkäfig, ohne Einrichtungsgegenstände,
nur mit Einstreu, Wasserflasche und Mulde für Pelletnahrung
Gruppe 2… erhielt eine leicht angereicherte
Umwelt, d.h. ein – zwei Einrichtungsgegenstände (Röhre zum
Durchkriechen, Wand zum dahinter verstecken).
3… Erhielt einen ideal ausgestatteten Käfig, doppelt
so hoch, mit einer Vielzahl von Kletter- und Bewegungsmöglichkeiten,
einer 2. Ebene, Treppen usw..
Nach dem Verbringen der Jugendzeit in einer dieser 3 Käfige
wurden die Auswirkungen auf ihr Verhalten getestet.
Mäuse aus den Gruppen 2 + 3 zeigten in vielerlei Hinsicht
ein differenzierteres Verhalten als diejenigen aus dem langweiligen
Standardkäfig. Bezüglich Neugier & Spielverhalten zeigte sich
eine deutliche Zunahme. Mäuse aus dem Standardkäfig spielten
fast nie, die aus dem angereicherten ab und zu, die im Idealkäfig
jedoch sehr häufig. Bei Verhaltensstereotypen hingegen verhielt
es sich umgekehrt. Diese traten in Gruppe 1 sehr häufig, in
Gruppe 2 selten und in Gruppe 3 nicht mehr oder fast nicht
mehr auf. Ebenfalls bemerkenswert waren die Erkenntnisse,
die man gewann aus verschiedenen Lern- und Geschicklichkeitstest.
z.B. wie schnell man aus einer Schale klettert, über ein Seil
balanciert oder eine unbekannte Fläche (offenes Feld) erkundet.
In all diesen Tests schnitten die Tiere aus dem Superkäfig
besser als Gruppe ab, und diese wiederum besser als Gruppe
1. Auch Nervosität und Angstverhalten zeigten die Mäuse aus
Gruppe 2 und 3 deutlich weniger als Gruppe 1.
zum Vergleich der Mäusestämme …“dumm“ und „intelligent“: Innerhalb
einer Gruppe schnitten natürlich die „intelligenten“ immer
besser ab als die „dummen“. Jedoch zeigte sich auch, dass
der „dumme“ Stamm aus dem Superkäfig und auch aus dem angereicherten
Käfig bessere Werte erzielte als Artgenossen aller Stämme
aus dem langweiligen Standardkäfig. Im Mittelfeld gab es sogar
auch Umkehrungen: d.h. genetisch „dumme“ Mäuse, die besser
abschnitten als „intelligentere“ in schlechterer
Haltung. Das zeigt: Einflüsse der Umwelt tragen hier einen
erheblichen Teil zur Entwicklung des Verhaltens bei.
Unterschiede beziehen
sich auf:
- Bewegungs- und Erkundungsfähigkeit
- Lernfähigkeit
- Problemlöseverhalten
- Größe, Gewicht des Gehirns
- Ausmaß und Dichte der Verzeigungen von Nervenverbindungen
- Zahl der Synapsen
- Und auch die Aktivitäten der Botenstoffe im Gehirn
sind nachweisbar größer bei den Tieren aus dem angereicherten
bzw. superangereicherten Käfigen.
von: Marashi et al., 2003; Sachser, 2000b, 2001; Sachser et
al.,2011, 2013; Kaiser et al., 2007)
Sources of information / list
of books (unfortunately the most of them in
German) can be found at the end of the page!
Why our dogs normally don't have puppies when they are just
1-2 years old?
...or: How meaningful are breeding and behaviour tests at
this age? Answer....
One reason is that a dog's personality , like humans, is relatively
stable only after puberty - in early adulthood... at the age
2-3 years depending on the breed. Although it will continue
to develop over the course of life. Even if puppies with a
few weeks are already show consistent behavior patterns, these
can still change a lot in the following weeks and months.
That's because of:
- different environmental
factors |
maturing processes |
gained experiences
>>Tests before the age of 1 ½ -2 years
are not relevant in the slightest either for personality assessment
or for breeding suitability tests, considering how much the
behavioral traits tested there can still change.<<
(Behavioral Biology for Dog Trainers by PD Dr. Udo Gansloßer)
From our point of view, only an adult dog that is already
mentally and physically stable should have offspring.
Apart from that, how can I assess the health development of
a 1-1 1/2 year old dog. The longer time you have, the more
– possibly hereditary – diseases you can rule out. Of course,
the litters can be smaller with increasing age and/or the
rate of successful mating acts can be lower, but you have
a more exact picture of the mental and physical constitution
of the parent animals. . . .and not to forget a more mature,
mentally stable bitch who is more relaxed with the puppies.
Sources of information / list
of books (unfortunately the most of them in
German) can be found at the end of the page!
/ Empfehlenswerte Bücher:
Titel: |
Autor(en): |
- Evolution, Kognition und Verhalten |
Ádám Miklósi |
für Hundetrainer |
Dr. Udo Gansloßer |
der Hundezucht |
Malcolm B Willis |
Persönlichkeit des Hundes:
Wie Gene und Umwelt das Wesen bestimmen |
Marie Nitzschner |
und Verhalten beim Hund |
Dr. Udo Gansloßer, Sophie Strodtbeck (TA) |
aktuell: Anatomie, Ökologie, Verhalten |
Dr. Udo Gansloßer, Kate Kitchenham |
für Hundehalter |
Dr. Udo Gansloßer |
guter Start ins Hundeleben:
Der verhaltensbiologische Ratgeber für Züchter
und Welpenbesitzer |
Dr. Udo Gansloßer, Petra
Krivy |
Spielverhalten bei Hunden:
Spielformen und -typen. Kommunikation und Körpersprache
Käufer |
trifft Hund: Neue Erkenntnisse zu Sozialverhalten, geistigen
Leistungen und Ökologie |
Dr. Udo Gansloßer, Kate Kitchenham |
sind anders |
Donaldson |
Training |
Pietralla |
Hund im Flegelalter |
Krivy, Angelika Lanzerath |
zu Informationen zu oben genannten Themen: |
eines Persönlichkeitstests
bei Hunden |
https://www.kynologie.at/files/Uploads/Abschlussarbeiten/ULG3%20Scherner%20Hausarbeit.pdf |
bei Hunden |
https://www.canis-symposia.de/hundeblog/wesenstest-bei-hunden.html |
Welpenabgabe |
https://www.gesundheitszentrum-fuer-kleintiere-luedinghausen.de/tierarztblog/artikel/welpenentwicklung-geburt-bis-12-woche.html |
und Furcht – Ursachen, Symptome und Therapie |
https://www.wuff.eu/wp/angst-und-furcht-ursachen-symptome-und-therapie-2/ |